Status Search

SourceOffSite allows a user to search for files of a given status type, such as Checked Out or Needs Merge_D2HLink_4497.

To perform a Search, choose the Status Search command from the Tools menu.  Searches for Checked Out status are performed by the SOS Server and can be done for all users at once, or for a selected user.  Searches for all other status types are done on the Client using the file list information for each folder cached by the Client.  To ensure that all file lists are up to date before starting your search, enable the option “Refresh file lists before searching”.  If you are sure your file lists are already up to date, then you can leave this option unchecked which will result in a much faster search.  Searches can be conducted on the current project, the current project and all subprojects, or all projects.

Configure the search criteria as desired and then press OK. Various operations can be performed from the Search Results dialog including: View, Check In, Undo Check Out, Show Differences and Show History.