Check In

*    After a file is checked out and edited, the modifications can be added to the database by performing a Check In operation.


Check In Individual Files

Check In All Files in a Project

Check In with Multiple Check Outs

Check In Individual Files

To check in one or more files, first highlight the edited files from the File List. Then, click Check In or select Check In from the Source menu or by right-clicking the selected files.

Check In comments can be added in the Comment field of the Check In dialog box.

Additional Check In options that may be selected from the Check In dialog include: Keep Checked Out and Remove Local Copy.

Check In All Files in a Project

A Check In command may be performed at the project level. To check in all files in a project, highlight the project in the Project List. Then, click Check In or select the Check In command from the Source menu or by right-clicking the selected project.

Check In comments may be added in the Comment field of the Check In dialog. Any comments added at this time will be globally applied to all files being checked in.

Additional Check In options that may be selected from the Check In dialog include: Keep Checked Out, Remove Local Copy and Recursive. The Recursive option will also check in all of the files in the subprojects of the selected project.

Check In with Multiple Check Outs

Here is a complete description of what SourceOffSite does in a Multiple Check Out situation:

·      If the checked out file gets into a Needs Merge state, and the user resolves the merge on the client-side before attempting the Check In, the file will get checked into VSS and become the latest version.

·      If the merge is not resolved on the client-side, upon Check In, the SourceOffSite Server will attempt to do an automatic merge.

·      If there are no conflicting changes, then the Check In operation proceeds with no user intervention. The local version is replaced with the merged version from the SourceSafe database.

·      If there are conflicting changes, the SourceOffSite Server will notify the Client of conflicts and the user will have to manually merge the changes using their configured merge utility.

·      After manually resolving the conflicts, the user can then resubmit the file for check in.  

WARNING: Even if the conflicts are not resolved, the next Check In operation performed on the file will overwrite the latest version in the VSS database.