Act on projects recursively

Add Database

Add Excluded File Types

Add File Types

Add Key

Add Serial Numbers

Add Users

Add Web Project

Adding All Files and Subprojects in a Folder

Adding Individual Files

Additional Operations Supported through File History Dialog

Always keep files checked out

Application for comparing directories

Application for comparing files

Application for merging files

Application for viewing and editing files

Automatically refresh file list

Check firewall configuration

Check In All Files in a Project

Check In Individual Files

Check In with Multiple Check Outs

Check Out All Files in a Project

Check Out Individual Files

Check that Microsoft Visual SourceSafe is installed

Check that Microsoft's .NET 1.1 framework is installed



Command Dialogs for Files

Command Dialogs for Projects

Delete Database

Delete Excluded File Types

Delete File Types

Delete Item

Delete Key

Delete Serial Numbers

Delete Users

Delete Web Project

Destroy Item

Display Status of Pinned Files

Double-click on a file

Edit Database

Edit Excluded File Types

Edit Serial Numbers

Edit Users

Edit Web Project

End-of-line terminator

File History

File Level Differences

File Properties

Get by Label

Get Latest Version of Files

Get Latest Version of Projects

Handle conflicts with modified local copies when retrieving files

Handling locally modified files during Get Latest Version

Idle Connections

Import encryption key


Labeling Files

Labeling Projects



Make SourceOffSite your default SCC Provider

Multiple Check Out

Never replace local copy during Check Out

Never replace local copy during Undo Check Out

Number of lines to display in Status Window



Pinning a File


Project History

Project Level Differences

Project Properties

Prompt for each file

Remove local copy after Check In

Resolve Status

Retrieve project tree

Run the setup program

Send Keep Alive Signal


Server Manager

Set date/time on local files

Show Merge


Undo Check Out of All Files in a Project

Undo Check Out of Individual Files

Unpinning a File


Use checksums to determine file status

Use compression for data transfers

Use read-only flag for files that are not checked out

Verify files are in selected folder

Viewing the Details of a File

VSS 6 Options


Windows NT/2000/XP