Undo Check Out

*    After a file or project is checked out, it is possible to undo Check Out. This operation is convenient if the files are not edited or if the user decides not to check in an edited file or project.


Undo Check Out of Individual Files

Undo Check Out of All Files in a Project

Undo Check Out of Individual Files

To undo a Check Out, select the file(s) that are checked out. Then, click Undo Check Out or choose Undo Check Out from either the Source menu or by right-clicking the selected file(s). The file(s) will revert to the state before the Check Out operation was performed.

Undo Check Out of All Files in a Project

To undo the Check Out of all of the files in a project, select the project. Then, click Undo Check Out or choose the Undo Check Out command from either the Source menu or by right-clicking the selected project.

The Recursive option may be selected on the Undo Check Out dialog box. If Recursive is selected, all of the files in the subprojects will revert to the state before the Check Out operation was performed. Click OK to undo the check out. This dialog box can be disabled from the Command Dialogs tab of Tools > Options.