Show History

Project History

File History

Additional Operations Supported through File History Dialog

Viewing the Details of a File

Project History

    The complete history of a project can be viewed by using the Show History command.

To see the revision history of a project, select the project in the Project List. Click the Show History button or select the Show History command from either the Tools menu or by right-clicking. A Project History dialog containing various options for displaying the history will be presented. These options include: Include File Check Ins and Recursive. If the Recursive option is selected, then the entire history for all of the project’s subprojects will also be displayed.

The user may also specify a beginning date for the History in the From text box and an ending date in the To text box of the Project History dialog. Or, a beginning date can be specified with no ending date, showing all changes from the beginning date until the current time. Customize the Project History dialog and then click the OK button. The project’s history will be displayed in the History dialog.

File History

    The history of a file may be viewed by using the Show History command.

To see the revision history of a file, select the file in the File List. Then, click the Show History button or choose the Show History command from either the Tools menu or by right-clicking. The file’s history will be displayed in the History dialog. All revisions to the file that were checked in to the database will be displayed with a version number.

All labels applied to the file will be displayed with a label symbol in the History dialog. Any pin applied to a file version will be displayed with a pin symbol.

Additional Operations Supported through File History Dialog

The History dialog supports additional operations including Get, Diff and Pin/Unpin. To get the historical version of any file, select the version of the file and then click the Get button. This will copy the selected version to the currently configured Working Folder. To show the differences between any two historical versions, select two versions and then click the Diff button. This will launch the diff utility configured in the External Programs tab of the Options dialog. Select Pin or Unpin to change the pin status of a file version.

Viewing the Details of a File

It is possible to see more information about any historical file version by highlighting the version of the file and then clicking the Details button. The Details dialog will display any action performed on the file and any Label or Check In Comment applied to the file.