Show Differences

*    The Show Differences operation in SourceOffSite can be performed at the file or project level. SourceOffSite may be configured with a diff utility (available separately) that will enable the user to generate a list of differences between the local and remote copies of a file or of two specific revisions of the same file. A project diff utility (available separately) may also be configured to allow the user to view the differences between the local and remote project structure. The diff utilities may be configured in the External Programs tab of the Options dialog.


File Level Differences

Project Level Differences

File Level Differences

To see the differences between the local copy of a file and the latest version of the file in the SourceSafe database, select the specific file in the File List. Then, click Show Differences or choose the Show Differences command from either the Tools menu or by right-clicking the selected file.

To see the differences between the local copy of a file and any historical version of the file, select the file from the File List. Then click Show History or choose the Show History command from the Tools menu or by right-clicking the selected file. From within the History dialog box, select the historical version of the file and then click Diff.

To see the differences of two historical versions of a file from the History dialog, select two versions of the file and click Diff.

Project Level Differences

To see the differences between the project structure that exists locally and the project structure that exists in the SourceSafe database, select a project from the Project List. Then, click Show Differences or select the Show Differences command from the Tools menu or by right-clicking the selected project.

The Recursive option may be selected in the Project Diff dialog box. If the Recursive option is selected, the differences between the subprojects can also be viewed. Click OK to view the project differences.

The project diff application is not launched unless there are differences in the local and remote project structure.