The File List

The File List on the right side of the Client window contains five columns.

·      File The name of the file.

·      User The name of the user who currently has the file locked.

·      Local Date – The date of the local (Client) copy of the file.

·      Remote Date The date of the latest revision of the remote (Server) copy of the file in the SourceSafe database.

·      Local Version – The version of the local (Client) copy of the file.  This is often referred to as the baseline.

·      Remote Version – The latest version number of the remote (Server) copy of the file in the SourceSafe database.

·      Status – The status of the local copy of the file relative to the copy in the SourceSafe database.

The Status column can have the following possible values:

·      Missing – There is no local copy of the file.

A file is determined to be Missing when the file is in the Visual SourceSafe database but not in the specified working directory on the Client machine.

·      Old – The remote version of the file is newer than the local copy.

A file is determined to be Old by comparing the version number of the file on the Client to the version number of the corresponding file in the SourceSafe database.  If the version number of the file on the Client is less than the version number of the file in the SourceSafe database, the Status column displays the value of Old.

·      Edited – The local copy has been edited and you have it checked out.

A file is determined to be Edited by comparing file modification times. When a Save command is executed on a local file, its modification time is updated to the current time. SourceOffSite recognizes that the time has changed so it checks whether the file is checked out by you.

If the file is modified and checked out by you, then the Status column displays the value of Edited. The Local Date column will show the recent modification time until the file is checked in. After check in, the local time may be the modification time or check in time, depending on the settings of your SOS local file options.

·      Renegade – The local copy has been edited but it is not checked out by you.

A file is determined to be Renegade by comparing file modification times. When a Save command is executed on a local file, its modification time is updated to the current time. SourceOffSite recognizes that the time has changed so it checks whether the file is checked out by you.

If the file is modified and not checked out by you, then the Status column displays the value of Renegade. The Local Date column is also updated with the recent modification time.

·      Unknown – The local copy exists but it has never been retrieved using SourceOffSite.

A file is determined to be Unknown when SourceOffSite does not know which revision of the file is present locally. Files that exist locally because they were downloaded using SourceSafe Explorer will display an Unknown status. Use the Checksum option or the Show Differences operation to see if the local and remote copies are identical.

If the local file is not the most recent revision, use the Get Latest Version operation to retrieve the file from the database. Thereafter, the Status column will display more useful information.

·      More Recent – The local copy is a later version than the copy in the database.

When the version number of a local file is greater than the latest version of the file in the SourceSafe database, the Status column displays a value of More Recent. This could happen if a file is rolled back in the database.

·      Needs Merge – The remote version of the file is newer than the local copy, and the local copy has been edited.

Needs Merge is a combination of Old (there is a newer version of the file on the server) and either Edited (the file has been checked out and modified) or Renegade (the file has been modified locally but not checked out).

·      (empty) – If the status column is blank, then the local copy and the remote copy are identical.

The local and remote copies of a file are determined to be the same by version number only. If the files share the same version number, then the Status column will display (empty). Once the file is modified in any way, the Status column will display one of the above values.

The File List view allows the list to be sorted by any column by clicking on the column heading. Some file operations may be performed by selecting the file and then right-clicking on it. The column may be reverse-sorted by clicking twice on the column heading.