Get Latest Version

*    The Get Latest Version operation retrieves the latest version of files. By default, files are retrieved in read-only mode. A global option may be set in the Files tab of the Options dialog enabling the latest version of files to be retrieved in read-write mode. Files retrieved during the Get Latest Version operation are copied locally into the current working folder.


Get Latest Version of Files

Get Latest Version of Projects

Handling locally modified files during Get Latest Version

Get Latest Version of Files

To get the latest version of a file, select the file(s) to be retrieved from the File List. Then, either click Get Latest Version or choose Get Latest Version from either the Source menu or by right-clicking the selected files. The Get Latest Version operation will copy the files into the current working folder.

If Version 1 of a file is destroyed and then replaced with a new file with the same name, the new file is not retrieved when a Get Latest Version operation is performed. A ’Force file transfer’ option has now been added to the file-level Get Latest Version Command Dialog. Enabling this option will force the Client to retrieve the file.

Get Latest Version of Projects

The Get Latest Version operation may also be performed at the project level. This enables all the files in a selected project to be retrieved.

To get the latest version of all files in a project, highlight the project in the Project List. Then, click Get Latest Version or choose Get Latest Version from either the Source menu or by right-clicking the selected project.

A Get Latest Version dialog box will be presented with the option to perform the operation recursively. If the Recursive check box is selected, then all files in all subfolders will be retrieved during the Get operation. This can be a time consuming operation depending on the number of files and subprojects in the selected project. You can disable this dialog from the Command Dialogs tab of Tools > Options.

A lengthy recursive operation may be stopped by using the Stop Current Operation command.

Handling locally modified files during Get Latest Version

When retrieving the latest version of a file that already exists on the client machine and may be modified, SourceOffSite can be configured to do one of the following:

·      Overwrite the local file with the version on the server (and lose all local changes)

·      Leave the local file alone (not retrieving the latest version from the server)

·      Attempt an automatic merge using SourceOffSite’s ability to do a three-way file merge


These options can be configured in the File tab of the Options dialog.  In addition, SourceOffSite can be configured to prompt the user on a per file basis.