The File Properties dialog box allows you to view and modify the properties of a file. The dialog box has three tabs: General, Check Outs and Links.
The name is the full repository path of the selected file.
The type of the selected file is displayed. This can be changed by selecting one of the following.
Binary Marks the file as not able to be merged. The file will require exclusive check outs and no attempt will be made to merge different versions together.
Mergeable Marks the file as able to be merged and not needing to be locked exclusively.
Use default for this file type File extensions are used to determine default types for mergeable files. This options uses the system default the file.
You must click Apply in order for this change to take effect.
EOL Conversion
The EOL (End of Line) of the selected file is displayed. The can be changed by selecting either:
Native Native chooses the format of OS the client is currently running on
Windows (CLRF)
Unix (LF)
Mac (CR)
You must click Apply in order for this change to take effect.
Local Copy Information
The Local Copy Information box contains the following information.
Version the version number of the file when it was checked out
Modified Date the last modified date time of the file in the working directory
Size the size in bytes of the file in the working directory
Status the status of the file as shown in the file list
If there is no local copy, this will be blank.
Latest in Repository Information
The Latest in Repository Information box contains the following information.
Version the most recent repository version number of the file
Modified Date the last modified date time of the file in the repository
Check in Date the check in date time of the file in the repository
Size the size in bytes of the file in the repository
Status this displays only if the file is pinned and will display which version the file is pinned at
The Comment box contains the comment the user entered when the file was first added, if any. The value cannot be changed.
Click Apply to apply any changes made to any of the properties. The property changes increment the version number of the file.
Please Note: If the file is currently pinned, the edit is not allowed.
Click Close to exit the Properties dialog box. If you have edited a property but not applied it, you will get a warning asking you whether you want to apply the change.
Check outs
The Check outs tab displays checkout information about the selected file. No items on this tab can be edited.
The User box lists all users who currently have the selected file checked out and includes the machine they have it checked out to.
The properties reflect the values for each user as they are selected.
The Version is the repository version at the time the selected user checked out the file.
The Date is the repository servers date time when the selected user checked out the file.
The Folder is the folder and file name of the file that was checked out by the selected user.
The Comment is the check out comment the selected user entered.
Share Links
The Share Links tab contains all links of the shared file in a list that you have access to. No items on this tab can be edited.