The Edit Profiles command allows you to create and edit profiles for use in connecting to a Vault server and repository. For more information, please see Profiles.
The Edit Profiles dialog box can be opened from the Edit Profiles button on the Connect To Server dialog.
Profile List
The Profile List contains the list of profiles that have already been defined. Selecting a profile in the list will populate the Login Information and Repository Information boxes with the data specified for that profile.
Click New to create a new, empty profile. You will be prompted to enter the profile name.
Click Delete to delete the selected profile.
Contains the Username associated with the selected profile.
Contains the Password associated with the selected profile. This is only enabled if the Remember Password checkbox is enabled. If this field has a value and the Remember Password checkbox is unchecked, the password will be removed on Save and the profile will no longer contain a password.
Vault Server
Contains the Vault Server associated with the selected profile, as it would be entered in the Connect To Server dialog.
If checked, this will connect to the server using SSL for the selected profile.
Remember Password
If checked, the password specified in the Password field will be saved and remembered, allowing the user to automatically connect to the server using this profile. If unchecked, the user will need to enter the password for each connection using this profile.
Default Repository
Contains the name of the repository to select by default after a connection is made to the server for this profile.
Automatically Choose This Repository
If checked, the Default Repository will be automatically chosen after connecting to the server for this profile. The Choose Repository dialog will not be displayed at all when this profile is used. This is only enabled if there is a value in the Default Repository List
Get Repository List
Brings up a dialog containing a list of repositories in the Vault server associated with this profile. Note that this uses values specified in the Username, Password, and Vault Server fields to login to that server in order to retrieve the repository list, so if they do not contain valid values, the repository list cannot be retrieved.
Click Save to save any changes you have made to the profiles while in the dialog and then exit.
Click Cancel to abort the operation.