Edit History Favorites

The Edit History Favorites dialog allows you to change and create history favorites.  It lists all of your defined history favorites in alphabetical order.  Clicking on a history favorite in the list will display a brief description of the query for the selected favorite beneath the favorites list. 

Adding a History Favorite

 To add a new History Favorite, click the New button.  This will display the History Query Filter dialog.  Choose the history filter options you want for your history favorite then click the Save button.  Provide a name for your favorite then click OK. 

 Renaming a History Favorite

 Click the Rename button and enter a new name in the dialog.

 Editing a History Favorite Query

Select a history favorite from the list and choose Edit to edit the query associated with the favorite.  This will display the History Query Filter dialog with the currently filtered items selected.  Make your changes to the filter options and then click the Save button.

Deleting a History Favorite

To delete a History Favorite, select one or more items from the History Favorites list then click the delete button.

 Run Query

To see the query results for a History Favorite, select an item from the History Favorite menu then click the Run Query button.  The query results will be displayed in a new History Explorer window.