General Options


Send Keep Alive Signal

Double-click on a file

Use compression for data transfers

Act on projects recursively

Make SourceOffSite your default SCC Provider

Send Keep Alive Signal

If a firewall exists between the SourceOffSite Client and Server and the firewall is configured to close connections that are idle after a certain period of time, it may be necessary to set the Send Keep-Alive Signal option. This will keep the connection through the firewall open by sending a signal at intervals specified by the user.

Double-click on a file

A file in the File List can be either viewed or edited by double-clicking on it. The Double-click on a File option may be set to Ask, View or Edit. If Ask is selected, a dialog is displayed offering the choice to Edit or View the file when the file is double-clicked. If either View or Edit is selected, the file will automatically be opened in that mode when double-clicked.

Use compression for data transfers

SourceOffSite supports file compression to speed the transfer of files. Using conventional Zlib routines, files are compressed before being transmitted and uncompressed when received. File compression is an optional feature. Because it speeds the transfer of files, the default setting for the file compression feature is ON.

Act on projects recursively

This option enables SourceOffSite to always act recursively by default on all projects and subprojects during operations that support recursion. Since performing recursive operations can sometimes be a lengthy process, the default setting for this option is OFF.

Make SourceOffSite your default SCC Provider

SourceOffSite provides a way for you to toggle between Source Code Control providers when using IDE integration. By enabling or disabling this option, you can change your system registry to choose either SourceOffSite or SourceSafe as your SCC provider. While SourceGear recommends against changing back and forth between SourceOffSite and SourceSafe on the same machine, this option is helpful for individuals who occasionally need to switch between SCC providers and are familiar with the ramifications.