Dialog Boxes

Add Files/Folders

The Add Files/Folders dialog box allows you to add new files or folders to the repository by selecting files that are accessible to the local machine.

The Add Files/Folders dialog box can be opened:

  • From the File menu, select Add Files/Folders

  • Right-click on selected folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Add Files/Folders

  • Select Add Files/Folders on the Toolbar

  • Ctrl+N

Tree View of Local File System

The top pane contains a tree control and a file list of the local file system. If a working folder exists at the node this command was invoked on, the tree control will have that working folder selected. Selecting a node in the tree will fill the file list with the files in that local folder.

Checking a folder will automatically check all the folders and files under that folder that meet the exclusion rules, and add that folder to the File/Folder to be Added list. If not all files/folders underneath a folder are checked, the folder’s checkbox will be partially checked.

Checking a partially checked folder will fully check all files and folders under that folder. Checking a fully checked folder will uncheck all files and folders, and remove the entry from the Files/Folder to be Added list.

Files/Folders to be Added

The Files/Folders to be Added is the list of pending folders or files that are to be added from the local directory. Following are the columns in this list.

  • Items – The local path of the file or folder to be added.

  • Properties – For files, the size of the file being added. For folders, the total size, and the number of folders and files included in the folder being added.

  • Repository Path – The path in the repository the items will be added.


Click Exclude to display a dialog that allows you to view/edit the list of files and folders to exclude when checking a folder. This list is defined in the Admin Web Client and making changes to it here does not update the default list.

Changing this list does not go back and re-apply the exclusion rules to already checked folders, since it is possible you could have already made changes to the file list that cause it to not follow the exclusion rules. If you want to re-apply the exclusion rules, you need to uncheck the folder, then check it again.


Click Browse to add additional drives or shared network folders to the Local File System tree view. This allows you to add files from any drive that can be accessed from the local machine. New drives are rooted at the top of the tree view.


Click Remove to remove the selected files or folders from the pending list. This will update the state of the tree and file list to reflect that the items are not to be added.


Type a comment in the Comment dialog box. The comment applies to all files being added. If the Auto-Commit is on, they become the change set comment.


Click OK to add the files and folder to the Pending Change Set window.

If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the files and folders will be added to the repository as part of the next check in transaction. The comment is applied individually to each file.

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the files and folders will be added to the Fortress repository immediately. The comment will become the change set comment.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.


Click Cancel to exit the Add Files dialog box without making any changes.


The Blame window shows the last user to modify any given line in a file. This is useful for determining why a build broke or to just generally assign credit or blame to content changes in a file.

The blame window has the following columns:

  • Line – The line number of the given line.

  • User – The user who made the last change. If the same user made changes for a block of lines, only the first line will display the user’s name and all the remaining lines in that block will be in the same shading to indicate it is the same user (without repeating the user’s name).

  • Version – The version number of the file that the line last changed on. Each version number is linked to a footnote table at the bottom of the page that shows which versions have changed content, which user checked that version in, and what the comment was for that check in.

  • File Contents – The actual line in the file.

Browse Fortress Items

The Browse Fortress Items dialog allows you to view/edit Fortress items and queries.  This item is only enabled for the Fortress client.

The Browse Fortress Items dialog can be accessed from the View->Browse Fortress Items menu item or from the checkin dialog.  When accessed from the checkin dialog, the Browse Fortress Items dialog can be used to select Fortress items to be updated with the checkin.

The left side of the dialog displays a tree containing all the projects a user has access to.  Under each project there are three nodes:

  • Queries – This node’s children will consist of the My Open and Open queries, which are not editable, and any saved queries the user has created.

  • Recent – This node’s children are the recent queries:  Recent Additions, Recent Updates and Recent Comments.

  • Summaries – This node has only one child query, the At-A-Glance query.

Any query in the tree can be run by either double-clicking or choosing Open from the right-click context menu.  The results will be displayed in a tab on the right side of the dialog.  Saved queries may be opened for editing using the Edit command on the right-click context menu.  The context menu also contains a Delete command (for deleting saved queries) and a Refresh command to refresh the results if the selected query’s results are currently displayed in a tab.

The toolbar has the following icons:

  • Save – Saves any changes to the visible tab.

  • Save All – Saves changes to all open tabs.

  • Refresh – Refreshes the query results, if the visible tab is displaying query results.

  • Query – Opens a blank query editor in a tab.

  • Add Item – Opens a new Fortress Item in a tab.

  • Item Id or Keyword – Enter an Item Id or a keyword search in the text box to perform a search.  If the Item Id is found, the item will be opened in a tab.  If a keyword search was entered, the results of that query will be opened in a tab.

Useful Hot Keys:

  • If there is a query editor open in the selected tab, use F5 to run the query and open the results in a new tab.

  • Both Ctrl+F4 and Ctrl+w will close the top tab.

Change Password

The Change Password dialog box allows a user to change his password.

The Change Password dialog box can be opened:

  • From the Tools menu, select Change Password

Old Password

Type your current password in the Old Password box.

New Password

Type a new password in the New Password box.


Type the new password again in the Verify box.


Click OK to save the changes and close the Change Password dialog box.


Click Cancel to close the Change Password dialog box without changing the password.

Check In/Commit

The Check In/Commit dialog box allows a user to check in all pending changes to files and folders. For more information, please see the section for checking in Files or Folders.

The Check In/Commit dialog box can be opened:

  1. From the Source menu, select Check In/Commit

  2. Right-click on selected file to bring up the File List Context Menu, select Check In/Commit

  3. Right-click on selected folder in bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Check In/Commit

  4. Select Check In or Commit All on the appropriate Toolbar

  5. Ctrl+I

  6. In the Pending Change Set, click the Commit button or use Ctrl + M


The Changes box contains a list of all files (added, deleted or modified) that are included in this check in. The following are the columns of the list.

  • Item

  • Type

  • Details


If a file’s status is Needs Merge, it must be merged prior to being committed to the repository, which can be accomplished by invoking the Show Merge command. If the file is already merged, invoke the Resolve Merge Status command to reset the file’s status to Merged.

Check All

Click Check All to select all the items in the list.

Uncheck All

Click Uncheck All to clear all the checkboxes in the list

Keep Checked Out

Check the Keep Checked Out checkbox to perform a check out operation on each file after the check in has completed.

Remove Local Copy

Check the Remove Local Copy checkbox to remove the checked in files from the working folder.

Update Bugs

Update Bugs allows you notify the bug tracking system that files relating to item numbers were checked in.

You can either type in the item ID in the text box or click the Browse button to see a list of bugs that are currently assigned to you, and select one or more from that list.

Type the case number in the Update Bugs box.


The update bugs section of the checkin dialog is only enabled if files in the checkin transaction have a status of added or modified.

When the file is commited, the files that were checked in will be associated with the items in the bug tracking system.

Multiple ID numbers may be entered, separated by a comma or semicolon.


The Diff button is available when a selected file has been modified. Click on the button to bring up the Diff window to see your changes.


Type a comment in the Comment box. This will apply to all files checked in with the change set. This is optional.


Click OK to commit the selected items to the Fortress repository and close the Check In/Commit dialog box.


Click Cancel to close the Check In/Commit dialog box. No items will be checked in.

Check Out

The Check Out dialog box allows you to check out a file from the Fortress repository. Checking out a file marks your intention to edit it and ensures it has write permission locally. Proceeding with a Check Out retrieves the latest version of the file. For more information, please see the section for checking out Files or Folders.

The Check Out dialog box can be opened:

You must have a working folder defined to check out a file. If a working folder is not set for the selected file or folder, the Set Working Folder menu dialog box will appear first. Select a working folder and continue with the Check Out command. Click Cancel on the Set Working Folder menu dialog box to abort the operation.

File Options

Set File Time

The Set file time list allows you to select the timestamp to give the local file after it is retrieved from the repository. Select one of the following options.

  • Current – the current client time the file is download from the server.

  • Modification – the time the file was last modified on the client before it was checked in. This time depends on the clock of the client machine where it was checked in.

  • Check In – the server time the file was checked in on the server.

Modified Local Copy

This option tells Fortress how to handle files that have been modified locally since they were retrieved or exist but have a status of Unknown. This option doesn’t apply to local files that are known versions in the repository. Select one of the following options:

  • Overwrite Working Copy – This overwrites the local file. If the file has a status of Unknown, it will be backed up in the _sgbak directory before being overwritten

  • Do Not Overwrite/Merge Later – This will not overwrite an existing file if it has been changed locally. Fortress will still download a new repository version into the hidden state folder if one exists, allowing you to manually merge the file later (in which case the file’s status becomes Needs Merge).

  • Attempt Automatic MergeFortress will attempt to merge the changes from the server copy into the working copy. If it can do so without irresolvable conflicts, then it will do so. All three files will be archived so you can examine precisely what was done in the automatic merge step. However, if the file cannot be merged automatically, the behavior is identical to that of the Do Not Overwrite setting above. The working copy is untouched, and you must resolve the conflict later before Check In is allowed. A message is written in red in the Messages pane for each file that could not be merged.

The default for this option is Attempt Automatic Merge.

Request Exclusive Lock

The Request Exclusive Lock checkbox is checked or unchecked as per your setting in the General Options dialog.

An exclusive lock on a file means that no one else can check the file in or out while the current user has it checked out.

This option is disabled and checked for non-mergeable files which must be checked out exclusively since they cannot be merged.


Check the Recursive checkbox to check out all files and subfolders of the selected folder.

Only Show this Dialog When the Shift Key is Down

If you select this option, the dialog box will be disabled and will not appear unless the shift-key is being held down. The default selections will apply to any item checked out. See Command Dialogs Options to change the default selections.


Enter a comment in the Comment box. This comment will be the default check in comment for the file that was checked out (or all files if this was a recursive operation). This is optional.


Click OK to check out the selected items and close the Check Out dialog box.


Click Cancel to close the Check Out dialog box. Nothing will be checked out.

Choose Repository

The Choose Repository dialog box allows you to choose a repository from the connected server. For more information, please see Working with Repositories.

The Choose Repository dialog box can be opened:

  1. From the File menu, select Choose Repository

  2. When connecting to a server, the Choose Repository dialog box will automatically appear

  3. Ctrl+P

Available Repositories

The Available Repositories box lists the repositories you have access to in the currently connected Fortress server. The repository’s version and number of files and folders are also listed. Access is set by the administrator in the Admin Web Client.


Click OK to choose the selected Fortress repository and close the Choose Repository dialog box.


Click Cancel to close the Choose Repository dialog box. If a repository is already opened, the current repository remains open. If no repository is open because you have just logged into a new server, the client is still logged into the server and you can still choose to open a different repository. Go to the File menu and select Choose Repository.

Connect to Server

The Connect to Server dialog box connects you to the Fortress server. For more information, please see Working with Repositories.

The Connect to Server dialog box can be opened:

  1. From the File menu, select Connect to Server

  2. Upon starting Fortress

You can only be connected to one server at a time. Therefore, if connect to a different server during a session, you will be disconnected from the current server.


Type your User name. You must be an active Fortress user as defined in the Fortress Admin Web Client.


Type your Password.

Fortress Server

Type the name of the Fortress server. This is the host name of the server and not a URL.


Check the Use SSL checkbox if you are using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for security.

Select Profile

Allows you to select an existing profile. If you select a profile, the information from that profile will be automatically placed in the login fields.

Edit Profiles

Click to bring up the Edit Profiles dialog, which allows you to enter and edit profiles for use in automatically logging in.

Automatically Connect using this profile

Check the Automatically Connect using this profile checkbox to automatically connect to the server specified by the current profile the next time Fortress is started. This option is available only if you are currently using a profile, and if that profile is configured to remember the user’s password (since the password must be supplied to automatically login).


Click OK to attempt a login to the specified server. The Connect to Server dialog box will close and the Choose Repository dialog box will open unless you are using a profile that automatically connects to a repository, in which case that profile will be automatically chosen.


Click Cancel to close the Connect to Server dialog box. If you are not currently logged in, the client remains in an unconnected state.

Copy Branch

A Copy Branch allows you to branch any file or folder, whether it is shared or not. For more information, please see Branch Items.

To open the Branch dialog box select a file or folder then either:

  • From the Source menu, select Branch

  • Select Branch on the Toolbar

Specify a folder/file name

Select a folder in the tree to place the branched version, and if desired, provide a new name for the copy of the file.


Type a comment for the branch operation in the Comment box. This is optional.


Click OK to branch the select file or folder and return to the main window.


Click Cancel to exit the Branch dialog box without making any changes.

Create Folder

The Create Folder dialog box allows you to create a new empty folder within the repository. For more information, please see Create, Add and Delete Folders.

The Create Folder dialog box can be opened:

  1. From the File menu, select Create Folder

  2. Right-click on folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Create Folder

  3. Select Create Folder on the Toolbar

  4. Press the INSERT key

New Folder Name

Type a new folder name in the New Folder Name box.


Click OK to create the folder and close the Create Folder dialog box.

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the folder will be created in the Fortress repository immediately. If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the folder will be created in the repository as part of the next check in transaction.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.


Click Cancel to close the Create Folder dialog box. A new folder will not be made.

Detect New Files

The Detect New Files to Add from Working Folder dialog box allows you to see which files exist in your local working folder that do not exist in Fortress, therefore allowing you to easily add newly created local files to the repository.

The Detect New Files dialog box can be opened:

  1. From the File menu, select Detect New Files to Add

  2. Right-click on selected folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Detect New Files to Add

  3. Ctrl+T

Tree View of Local File System

The top pane contains a tree control and a file list of the local file system, rooted at the working folder where the command was invoked. The tree is actually the repository tree, and if a node is selected, the working folder at that node is used to display the list of files that exist in the working folder, but not in the repository at that level.

Checking a folder will automatically check all the folders and files under that folder that meet the exclusion rules. All files that meet the exclusion rules are added as individual entries in the Files to be Added list, and they are added at the level in the repository that corresponds to the working folder the files belongs too.

If not all files/folders underneath a folder are checked, the folder’s checkbox will be partially checked. Checking a partially checked folder will fully check all files and folders under that folder. Checking a fully checked folder will uncheck all files and folders, and remove the entry from the Files to be Added list.

Files to be Added

Files to be Added is the list of pending files that are to be added from the local directory. The following columns are in this list:

  • Items – The local path of the file or folder to be added.

  • Properties – For files, the size of the file being added. For folders, the total size, and the number of folders and files included in the folder being added.

  • Repository Path – The path in the repository the items will be added.


Click Exclude to display a dialog that allows you to view/edit the list of files and folders to exclude when checking a folder. This list is defined in the Admin Web Client and making changes to it here does not update the default list.

Changing this list does not go back and re-apply the exclusion rules to already checked folders, since it is possible you could have already made changes to the file list that cause it to not follow the exclusion rules. If you want to re-apply the exclusion rules, you need to uncheck the folder, then check it again.


Click Remove to remove the selected files or folders from the pending list. This will update the state of the tree and file list to reflect that the items are not to be added.


Type a comment in the Comment dialog box. The comment applies to all files being added. If the Auto-Commit is on, they become the change set comment.


Click OK to add the files and folder to the Pending Change Set window.

If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the files and folders will be added to the repository as part of the next check in transaction. The comment is applied individually to each file.

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the files and folders will be added to the Fortress repository immediately. The comment will become the change set comment.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.


Click Cancel to exit the Add Files dialog box without making any changes.


The Diff command allows you to compare working files and folders to previous versions of themselves.

The Diff dialog box can be opened:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Show Differences

  2. Select Diff on the Toolbar

  3. Right-click on folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Show Differences

  4. Right-click on file to bring up the File List Context Menu, select Show Differences

Compare the working folder/file to:
  • The last version retrieved from the repository – This compares the working file or folder to the version that you started editing from which is the version that was retrieved from the repository.

  • The current version in the repository now – This compares the working file or folder to the current version in the repository that may have changed since you started editing.

  • A label applied to this folder/file – This compares the working file or folder to a version of the same file or folder that is part of a label that was previously applied. The Browse button will display the list of available labels that can be compared to the working file or folder.

  • Any local folder/file – This compares the working file or folder to a file or folder on the local disk. The browse button will display a local file/folder chooser that allows you to choose which file or folder to compare against the working file or folder.

  • Any repository folder/file – This compares the working file or folder to the current version of any file or folder in the repository. The Browse button will display the current repository tree and allow you to select a repository file or folder to compare against the working file or folder.


When a folder has been selected, the Recursive checkbox will be available. Check Recursive to view the difference in the selected folder and all the subfolders. Uncheck Recursive to view the differences just in the selected folder.

The default is Checked.

Only show this dialog when the shift key is down

If you select this option, the dialog will be disabled and will not appear unless the shift-key is being held down. The default selections will apply to any item selected. See History/Labels Options to change the default selections.


Click OK to bring up the default Diff Program.


Click Cancel to close the Diff dialog box.


The Delete dialog box allows you to delete files or folders from the repository. The Delete command is non-destructive and the items still exists in the history of the repository. The items can be recovered by clicking the Undelete command found in the Folder Properties dialog box.

The Fortress client does not allow operations that destroy history. The Obliterate command is available in the Fortress Admin Web Client, which actually destroys the deleted file.

The Delete dialog box can be opened:

Delete file(s) from working folder

If you are deleting a file which is already in your working folder, this checkbox will become enabled. When checked, it will delete the file from the working folder as well as the repository. The default value of this checkbox is controlled by the Perform file deletes in working folder option.

Are you sure you want to delete the following files?

A list of the selected files or the folder will appear in the box. If a folder is selected, the folder and all of its contents, recursively, will be deleted.


Click OK to delete the items and close the Delete dialog box.

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the files will be deleted in the Fortress repository immediately. If Auto-Commit has not selected, the files will be deleted in the repository as part of the next check in transaction.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.


Click Cancel to close the Delete dialog box. The item will not be deleted.

Edit File

The Edit File command edits a file by launching an external editor and allows you to check the file out if it is not already checked out. For more information, please see Editing Files.

The Edit File dialog box can be opened:

  • From the Edit menu, select Edit File

  • Select Edit on the Toolbar

  • Right-click the selected file to bring up the File List Context Menu, then select Edit

Use the system default

Select Use system default for this file type to use the default editor.


Select Use and type the full path to the editor to use a different editor application. Use the Browse button to find the editor if necessary. Once a different application is selected, it will become the default.

The default editor for Windows is Notepad. To change the default application, see External Programs Options.

Check out file before editing

Select Check out file before editing to check out the file from the Fortress server. This option is disabled if the file is already checked out.

If you have the Requires Check Out before Check In option enabled in the Check In Options, the default will be checked.

Only show this dialog when the shift key is down

If you select this option, the dialog will be disabled and will not appear unless the shift-key is being held down. The default selections will apply to any item selected. See External Programs Options to change the default selections.


Click OK to launch the external application and edit the selected file.


Click Cancel to abort the operation.

Edit History Favorites

The Edit History Favorites dialog allows you to change and create history favorites.  It lists all of your defined history favorites in alphabetical order.  Clicking on a history favorite in the list will display a brief description of the query for the selected favorite beneath the favorites list. 

Adding a History Favorite

 To add a new History Favorite, click the New button.  This will display the History Query Filter dialog.  Choose the history filter options you want for your history favorite then click the Save button.  Provide a name for your favorite then click OK

 Renaming a History Favorite

 Click the Rename button and enter a new name in the dialog.

 Editing a History Favorite Query

Select a history favorite from the list and choose Edit to edit the query associated with the favorite.  This will display the History Query Filter dialog with the currently filtered items selected.  Make your changes to the filter options and then click the Save button.

Deleting a History Favorite

To delete a History Favorite, select one or more items from the History Favorites list then click the delete button.

 Run Query

To see the query results for a History Favorite, select an item from the History Favorite menu then click the Run Query button.  The query results will be displayed in a new History Explorer window.

Edit Profiles

The Edit Profiles command allows you to create and edit profiles for use in connecting to a Fortress server and repository. For more information, please see Profiles.

The Edit Profiles dialog box can be opened from the Edit Profiles button on the Connect To Server dialog.

Profile List

The Profile List contains the list of profiles that have already been defined. Selecting a profile in the list will populate the Login Information and Repository Information boxes with the data specified for that profile.


Click New to create a new, empty profile. You will be prompted to enter the profile name.


Click Delete to delete the selected profile.


Contains the Username associated with the selected profile.


Contains the Password associated with the selected profile. This is only enabled if the Remember Password checkbox is enabled. If this field has a value and the Remember Password checkbox is unchecked, the password will be removed on Save and the profile will no longer contain a password.

Fortress Server

Contains the Fortress Server associated with the selected profile, as it would be entered in the Connect To Server dialog.


If checked, this will connect to the server using SSL for the selected profile.

Remember Password

If checked, the password specified in the Password field will be saved and remembered, allowing the user to automatically connect to the server using this profile. If unchecked, the user will need to enter the password for each connection using this profile.

Default Repository

Contains the name of the repository to select by default after a connection is made to the server for this profile.

Automatically Choose This Repository

If checked, the Default Repository will be automatically chosen after connecting to the server for this profile. The Choose Repository dialog will not be displayed at all when this profile is used. This is only enabled if there is a value in the Default Repository List

Get Repository List

Brings up a dialog containing a list of repositories in the Fortress server associated with this profile. Note that this uses values specified in the Username, Password, and Fortress Server fields to login to that server in order to retrieve the repository list, so if they do not contain valid values, the repository list cannot be retrieved.


Click Save to save any changes you have made to the profiles while in the dialog and then exit.


Click Cancel to abort the operation.

File Properties

The File Properties dialog box allows you to view and modify the properties of a file. The dialog box has five tabs: General, Check Outs, Share Links, Visual SourceSafe Information, and Backup Files.



The name is the full repository path of the selected file.


The type of the selected file is displayed. This can be changed by selecting one of the following.

  1. Binary – Marks the file as not able to be merged. The file will require exclusive check outs and no attempt will be made to merge different versions together.

  2. Mergeable – Marks the file as able to be merged and not needing to be locked exclusively.

  3. Use default for this file type – File extensions are used to determine default types for mergeable files. This options uses the system default the file.

You must click Apply in order for this change to take effect.

EOL Conversion

The EOL (End of Line) of the selected file is displayed. The can be changed by selecting either:

  1. None

  2. Native – Native chooses the format of OS the client is currently running on

  3. Windows (CLRF)

  4. Unix (LF)

  5. Mac (CR)

You must click Apply in order for this change to take effect.

Local Copy Information

The Local Copy Information box contains the following information.

  1. Version – the version number of the file when it was checked out

  2. Modified Date – the last modified date time of the file in the working directory

  3. Size – the size in bytes of the file in the working directory

  4. Status –the status of the file as shown in the file list

If there is no local copy, this will be blank.

Latest in Repository Information

The Latest in Repository Information box contains the following information.

  1. Version – the most recent repository version number of the file

  2. Modified Date – the last modified date time of the file in the repository

  3. Check in Date – the check in date time of the file in the repository

  4. Size – the size in bytes of the file in the repository

  5. Status – this displays only if the file is pinned and will display which version the file is pinned at


The Comment box contains the comment of the transaction which created the file’s version.  


Click Apply to apply any changes made to any of the properties. The property changes increment the version number of the file.


If the file is currently pinned, the edit is not allowed.


Click Close to exit the Properties dialog box. If you have edited a property but not applied it, you will get a warning asking you whether you want to apply the change.

Check outs

The Check outs tab displays checkout information about the selected file. No items on this tab can be edited.


The User box lists all users who currently have the selected file checked out and includes the machine they have it checked out to.

The properties reflect the values for each user as they are selected.


The Version is the repository version at the time the selected user checked out the file.


The Date is the repository server’s date time when the selected user checked out the file.


The Folder is the folder and file name of the file that was checked out by the selected user.


The Comment is the check out comment the selected user entered.

Visual SourceSafe Information

This properties tab displays information about a file which was imported from Visual SourceSafe. If the file was not imported, this tab will not be displayed.


The path of the original file in VSS.

Import Date

The date of the import run which originated the file.

Import User

The user that performed the import operation.

Share Links

The Share Links tab contains all links of the shared file in a list that you have access to. No items on this tab can be edited.

Backup Files

The Backup Files tab contains a list of all the available backup files for the selected file.


The Date is the timestamp of the backup file.

Baseline Version

The Baseline Version is the repository version the file was based off of when the backup was made.

The Backup Files context menu contains the following commands.


The differences between the backup file and the current working folder version can be viewed by selecting Diff from the context menu.


The backup file can be viewed by selecting View from the context menu.


Selecting Restore from the context menu will overwrite the working folder version of the file with the selected backup file.


Any backup file may be permanently deleted by selecting Delete from the context menu.

The Find Shelvesets Dialog

This dialog is used to browse the shelvesets for a repository and get basic details about them. It can be opended by clicking the Unshelve button in the Pending Changes control, or selecting the View Shelved Changes menu item in the View menu. The controls are as follows:


This dropdown will display a list of all active users with access to the repository. Your user name is selected by default in this dialog. Selecting the first item in the dropdown (named “all”) will show all shelvesets from all active users in this repository.


Clicking this button will populate the Shelveset list for the user selected in the user dropdown.


This list will display all of the shelvesets for a selected user. If you don't have Read access to any of the shelved changes in a shelveset, it will not be included in the results. The path column displays the parent path of the items that are shelved (for example $/trunk/src or $/branches/1.0). Selecting a shelveset in this list will activate the Details button. You can unshelve the selected shelveset through the Shelveset Details dialog (opened by selecting a shelveset and clicking the Details button). The following operations are available in the context menu:


View the details for the shelveset. (Double-clicking an item will also activate this action.)


Rename the shelveset. Renaming a shelveset will not affect the shelveset creation time. You may only rename your shelvesets. (F2 is a shortcut for this action.) No two shelvesets may have the same owner and shelveset name.


Delete the shelveset. You many only delete your shelvesets. (The delete key is a shortcut for this action.)


Perform a diff of the shelveset against a tree

Diff against working folder

Diff the shelveset against the working folder (both folders will be rooted at the deepest path in the shelveset).

Diff against baseline

Diff the shelveset against the baselines (at the time of the shelve operation).

When Diffing shelvesets, the Find Shelvesets dialog expands to allow you to select two shelvesets. The Diff function will fetch both shelvesets to a temporary directory and perform a folder diff.

Folder Properties

The Folder Properties dialog box allows you to view and modify the properties of a folder. The dialog box has three tabs: General, Deleted Items and Links



The Name displays the name of the selected folder.

This project is cloaked for me

Check the This project is cloaked for me checkbox to cloak the folder. This will update the state of the folder immediately.


The Contains box shows:

  • the number of files and the number of files deleted

  • the number of subprojects and the number of sub-folders deleted

  • the Tree Size which is the total size of all files recursively in the folder

  • the Disk Space Needed which is the amount of disk space required to do a Get to a working folder, which is double the tree size, since the state folder keeps a baseline copy of each file on the local disk.

Latest in Repository

The Latest in Repository box shows the version number and date of the selected folder.


The Comment box contains the comment that was entered when the user created the folder.


Click Close to close the Folder Properties dialog box.

Deleted Items

Deleted Items

The Deleted Items tab contains a list of all items that have been deleted at this folder level.

Date Time

Since a deleted item may have the same name as another deleted item, there is a column with the date and time that each item was deleted.


Click Undelete to remove a selected item from this list.


Click Close to close the Folder Properties dialog box.


Share Links

The Share Links tab contains all links of the shared folders in a list that you have access to. No items on this tab can be edited.

Backup Files

The Backup Files tab contains a tree represenation of all items that have backup files at this folder level.  The backup files for each file in the tree are shown as children of the file.  The creation date/time are shown with the name of each backup file.  Selecting a backup file in the tree and clicking Add will add the backup file to the table below the tree.  From this table, backup files may be deleted and restored.

Add All

To add all the backups under a particular node in the tree to the table, right-click the node and select Add All from the context menu.


A backup file may be added to the list by either selecting it in the tree and clicking the Add button or right-clicking the file in the tree and selecting Add from the context menu.


The Date is the timestamp of the backup file.

Baseline Version

The Baseline Version is the repository version the file was based off of when the backup was made.

Restore All

Click Restore All to overwrite the working copy of every file in the list with the chosen backup file.

Delete All

Click Delete All to delete every backup file in the list.

Clear All

Click Clear All to clear the contents of the list.


A backup file may be removed from the list by selecting the file and choosing Clear on the context menu.  This option is also available with multiple selections.


The differences between a backup file in the list and the current working folder version can be viewed by selecting Diff from the context menu.


A backup file from the list can be viewed by selecting View from the context menu.


Selecting Restore from the context menu will overwrite the working folder version of the file with the selected backup file.  This option is also available with multiple selections.


Any backup file may be permanently deleted by selecting Delete from the context menu.  This option is also available with multiple selections.

Folder Versions

The Folder Versions dialog box shows all versions of the TOP folder in a list. Each version of a folder corresponds to a change set that changed some part of the folder or its descendants. This dialog box lists the versions and allows you to view the change set that caused the folder to increment its version number. For more information, please see History Explorer.

To open the dialog box, select a file or folder, then:

  • From the Query menu in the History Explorer, select View Folder Tree by version.

Folder Tree Versions for:

The name of the selected file or folder is displayed at top. The list shows all the versions for the selected item. The columns include:

  • Version

  • Date

  • User

  • Comment

Select a version to make the controls on the dialog box available. You can also double-click an item in the list to get the details for that transaction.


Click Close to close the Tree Version dialog box.


Click Details to view the Version Details.


Click Diff to bring up the default Diff Program on two selected versions or to show the diff between that version and its previous version if only one version is selected.


Click Share to bring up the Share dialog box for the selected version of the tree. This will share the folder, then pin the new share link it to the version selected.


Click Branch to open the Copy Branch dialog box and branch the selected version.


Click Label to open the Label dialog box and label the selected version.


Click Pin to pin the selected version. If the selected version is already pinned, the button will say Unpin. Click Unpin to unpin the selected version.

View Tree

Click View Tree to view the tree at the time of the selected version. This brings up a window with a tree view and file list containing the entire folder tree for that selected version. This allows you to get selected files or folders from within that tree.

Get Tree

Click Get Tree to open the Get Latest Version dialog box. Click OK to download the entire tree associated with the version.

Get Latest Version

The Get Latest Version dialog box allows you to get the latest version of files and folders from the Fortress repository.

The Get Latest Version dialog box can be opened:

  1. From the Source menu, select Get Latest Version

  2. Right-click on folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Get Latest Version

  3. Right-click on file to bring up the File List Context Menu, select Get Latest Version

  4. Select Get Latest Version on the Toolbar

  5. Ctrl+G

A working folder must be set to get the latest version of a file or folder. If a working folder is not set for the selected file or folder, the Set Working Folder menu dialog box will appear. Select the working folder and click OK to continue with the Get Latest Version command.


The To box defaults to the working folder but can be changed by typing a new folder in the box or using the Browse button to locate a new folder.


Changing the To: folder does not reset the working folder – it just overrides where files go for a particular Get Latest Version.

Modified Local File

The Modified Local File option tells Fortress how to handle files that have been modified locally since they were retrieved or exist but have a status of Unknown. This option doesn’t apply to local files that are known versions in the repository. Select one of the following options.

  • Overwrite Working Copy – This overwrites the local file. If the file is not in your working directory (because you changed the To: field in this dialog), it will simply be overwritten. If the file is in your working folder and has a status of Unknown, it will be backed up in the _sgbak directory before being overwritten

  • Do Not Overwrite/Merge Later – This will not overwrite an existing file if it has been changed locally. If the download is to the working folder, it will still download a new repository version into the hidden state folder allowing you to manually merge the file later (in which case the file’s status becomes Needs Merge). If the download is not to the working folder, the file will simply not be retrieved.

  • Attempt Automatic MergeFortress will attempt to merge the changes from the server copy into the working copy. If it can do so without irresolvable conflicts, then it will do so. All files will be archived so you can examine precisely what was done in the automatic merge step. However, if the file cannot be merged automatically, the behavior is identical to that of the Do Not Overwrite setting above: the working copy is untouched, and you must resolve the conflict later before check in is allowed. A message is written in red in the Messages pane for each file that could not be merged.

  • If the file is being retrieved to a folder other than the working folder, this option is disabled altogether since the working folder is required for merges. Overwrite becomes the default in this case.

The default is Attempt Automatic Merge.

Prompt for modified files

The Prompt for modified files option tells Fortress whether to prompt you before overwriting a file that has been modified locally, or has an Unknown status.

If checked, any file that you have modified locally (has an Edited, Needs Merge, or Merged status), or any file that Fortress can’t reproduce (Unknown status) will not be overwritten unless you explicitly tell Fortress to do so with a prompt dialog that is displayed during the Get.

If not checked, no dialog will be displayed, and the value of the Modified Local File option will be used to determine whether to overwrite the file, leave the file, or attempt to automatically merge it (if it is currently Edited).

Set file time

The Set file time list allows you to select the time to be associated with the selected file or folder. Select one of the following options.

  • Current – The current client time the file is download from the server.

  • Modification – The time the file was last modified on the client before it was checked in. This time depends on the clock of the client machine where it was checked in.

  • Check In – The server time the file was checked in on the server.

Repository deletions

Select Repository Deletions options to determine when to delete files locally that were deleted in the repositories. This option will apply to folders recursively. This is enabled only when the Get Latest Version is on a folder.

Select one of the following options.

  • Remove working copy – The local file will be removed if it was deleted in the repository, regardless of the state of the file.

  • Do not remove working copy – The local file is left untouched.

  • Remove working copy only if unmodified – The local file is removed only if it is not a known version in the repository.

This option also applies to renames and moves.

  • Do not remove working copy – the file will be copied and renamed or moved.

  • Remove working copy – file will be renamed or moved.

  • Remove working copy only if unmodified – if the file has been edited, the file will be copied and renamed or moved.

Make Writable

Select one of the following options.

  • Make binary files read-only

  • Make all files read-only

  • Make all files writable


Check the Recursive checkbox to get the entire content, files and subfolders, of a folder. This is enabled only when the Get Latest Version is on a folder.

Only show this dialog when the shift key is down

If you select this option, the dialog will be disabled and will not appear unless the shift-key is being held down. The default selections will apply to any item selected. See Local Files Options to change the default selections.


Click OK to retrieve the items.


Click Cancel to close the Get Latest Version dialog box and no action will be taken.

History Diff

The History Diff dialog box allows you to compare a file or folder with a previous version or the working folder version. This dialog is only displayed when a single file or folder is selected in the History Explorer.

The History Diff dialog box can be opened:

Select one of the following options. The default is Diff against working folder version. See History/Labels Options to change the default.

Diff against previous version in repository

Check the Diff against previous version checkbox to diff against the compare version previous to the one selected. This allows you to see the changes that were introduced in this version of the file

Diff against current version in repository now

Check the Diff against current version in repository now checkbox to compare the version of the file or folder selected against the most recent version checked into the repository.

Diff against working folder version

Check the Diff against working folder checkbox to compare the version of the file or folder selected against the file in the working folder.

If a working folder is not set for the selected file or folder, the Set Working Folder menu dialog box will open first. Select the working folder and click OK to continue with the Diff command.

A Label applied to this folder/file

Check the label applied to this folder/file to compare the version of the file or folder selected to a version of the same file or folder that is part of a label that was previously applied. The Browse button will display the list of available labels that can be compared to the selected file or folder version.

Any local folder/file

Check any local folder/file to compare the version of the file or folder selected to a file or folder on the local disk. The browse button will display a local file/folder chooser that allows you to choose which file or folder to compare against the selected file or folder version.

Any repository folder/file

Check any repository folder/file to compare the file or folder selected to the current version of any file or folder in the repository. The Browse button will display the current repository tree and allow you to select a repository file or folder to compare against the selected file or folder version.

Only show this dialog when the shift key is down

If you select this option, the dialog will be disabled and will not appear unless the shift-key is being held down. The default selections will apply to any item selected. See History/Labels Options to change the default selections.


Click OK to bring up the default Diff Program.


Click Cancel to close the History Diff dialog box.

History Get

When the History Get command is clicked, the Get Latest Version dialog box will open on the selected version of a file or folder. For example, if the current selection is a file checkin, it gets the version associated with that check in. If the current selection is a folder, it will retrieve the files (and their versions) that existed at the time of the selected folder version.

If you choose to get previous versions into the current working folder, it will overwrite what is there. If a file to be overwritten has been modified by you since the last time it was retrieved from the repository, it will be backed up in the _sgbak folder within the working folder.

For more information, please see History Explorer.

History Query Filter

The History Query Filter dialog box allows you to define the criteria for the query and sort the results. For more information, please see History Explorer.

The History Query Filter dialog box can be opened:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Show History

  2. Right-click on folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Show History

  3. Right-click on file to bring up the File List Context Menu, select Show History

  4. Select History on the Toolbar

  5. Ctrl+H

  6. In the History Explorer window, from the Query menu select Filter/Sort

If this dialog box is brought up while an existing query is displayed in the History Explorer, the controls are set to match that query allowing you to tweak an existing query. If you want a fresh query, a new History Explorer window must be opened.

The following criteria are available on separate tabs


Show History for

The Show History for box shows the current History Top. This can be changed by clicking the Change Top Object to bring up the Show History for dialog box.

Search Type

This determines the type of items displayed for folder history searches. This is disabled on files. Select one of the following options.

  1. View folder history by item – Shows individual item history in the History Explorer window. This shows the history of each item within a folder as a separate entry.

  2. View folder history by version – Shows change sets that resulted in a version change to the folder. This will list each transaction and the resulting version number of the folder in the Folder Versions window. When this type is chosen, the Dates & Labels, Users, and Sort tabs are the only criteria available to query by. All other criteria are disabled.

    The default is View folder history by item.

Recursive Search

Check the Recursive checkbox to search on all of a folder’s descendents in the same query. If this is not checked, the search will be on the Top folder and any files that are direct children of that folder.

The default is Checked.

Only show this dialog when the shift key is down.

When Only show this dialog when the shift key is down is checked, the History Query Filter dialog box will not display when the History Explorer has been selected. The History command will automatically do a recursive search on the History Top for the selected item.

Dates & Labels

The Dates & Labels tab allows you to limit the query by dates or by the dates the labels were applied to file or folder.   It includes the following selections. Check the appropriate filter for the search.  Note that you can only choose dates or labels, not both.

  • Do not filter by date

  • On or after – Include changes which occur after a given date – Type a date or select one from the calendar.

  • On or before – Include changes which occur before a given date – Type a date or select one from the calendar.

  • Include range (of dates) – Include changes which occur between a range of dates – The dates are inclusive. Type the dates or select them from the calendar.

  • Include days – Include changes which occur a number of days prior to the current date – Type the number of days or select by clicking the up or down arrow.

  • Do not filter by label.

  • On or after label.  Include changes which occur after the label was applied.  Either type a label, or select one using the Browse button.

  • On or before label.  Include changes which occur before the label was applied.  Either type a label, or select one using the Browse button.

  • Include range (of labels).  Include changes that occur between the From and To label.  Type the labels or select them from the Browse buttons.

The default is Do not filter by date or label.


The Users tab includes the following selections. Check the appropriate filter for the search.

  • Do not filter by user

  • Include only selected users – When this box has been checked, the query includes only those changes made by specific users. Select a user from the list of all available users. Multiple users can be selected by holding the CTRL or SHIFT key down as you select.

The default is Do not filter by user.


The Filenames tab includes the following selections. Check the appropriate filter for the search. Valid wild card characters are * and ? . To search for any string of zero or more characters use *. To search for any single character use ?.

  • Do not filter by filename

  • Include by file extension – Include only files with the specified file extension. File types can be separated by spaces, commas or semicolons. If a period is not entered before the string, it will be added. You can use the wildcard character ‘*’, but it only applies to the file extension, and not to any other part of the file (so, for example, *.txt will not retrieve any .txt files, but both .t*t and t*t will).

  • Include by name substring – Include only files whose names match the input substring. The ‘*’ wildcard character can be used in the substring You cannot enter multiple substrings to query against.

The default is Do not filter by filename.


The Actions tab allows you to include only specific actions in the query. Check the appropriate filter for the search from the following list. Multiple actions can be chosen.

  • Check in

  • Add

  • Delete

  • Undelete

  • Obliterate

  • Pin/Unpin

  • Label

  • Rollback

  • Rename

  • Move

  • Share

  • Branch

  • Property Change

The default has all of the actions Checked.


The Comments tab includes the following selections. Check the appropriate filter for the search.

  • Do not filter by comments

  • Include any comments – This includes only entries that have check in comments. Entries with no comments are not retrieved.

  • Include by search string – This includes only entries that match the substring entered. You cannot enter multiple substrings to query against.

The default is Do not filter by comments.


The Sort tab allows you to specify the order in which the results of the query will be sorted. The sort columns are Name, User, Date, Version, Action and Comment. Select the appropriate columns and ascending or descending sort.

The default selection is Date with a descending sort.



Click OK to filter the items and close the History Query Filter dialog box. the History Explorer will come up with results of the selected query.


Click Cancel to close the History Query Filter dialog box. The filter criteria will not change.

Favorites Menu

Save Menu Item - Allows you to save the currently selected criteria in this dialog as a new History Favorite.  Selecting Save will ask you to name the query, and it will be stored with the other History Favorites.

View – Brings up the Edit History Favorites dialog, which allows you to manage history favorites.

Image Editor

The Image Editor dialog is used to edit a clipboard image before attaching the image to a Fortress Item.

The process is as follows:

  1. Open an item (either new or existing) in the Browse Fortress Items dialog.

  2. Capture/copy an image to the clipboard (a screenshot, for example).

  3. Click the Add From Clipboard button located below the attachments table.  (Note:  You may also paste the image using Ctrl+V with focus in the attachments table).

  4. The image will be opened in the Image Preview dialog.  At this point, one may either choose the Edit button to open the Image Editor dialog or simply enter a filename and/or description to complete the attachment process.

The Image Editor dialog provides two tools for modifying images:  a crop tool and a pen tool.  The pen tool has multiple size choices and a choice of colors.  The editor also features unlimited Undo/Redo of operations performed on the image.

To quickly perform a crop, drag the crop rectangle over the desired area and double-click anywhere within the crop rectangle to accept the crop.  To quickly cancel a crop rectangle, click anywhere outside the crop rectangle.

Label Diff

The Label Diff dialog box allows you to compare a file or folder with a version of a file or folder associated with a label. This dialog is only displayed when a single file or folder is selected in the Show Labels dialog.

Select one of the following options. The default is Diff against current version in the repository now. See History/Labels Options to change the default.

Diff against current version in repository now

Check the Diff against current version in repository now checkbox to compare the labeled file or folder selected against the most recent version checked into the repository.

Diff against working folder version

Check the Diff against working folder checkbox to compare the labeled file or folder selected against the file in the working folder.

If a working folder is not set for the selected file or folder, the Set Working Folder menu dialog box will open first. Select the working folder and click OK to continue with the Diff command.

Any local folder/file

Check the any local folder/file to compare labeled file or folder selected to a file or folder on the local disk. The browse button will display a local file/folder chooser that allows you to choose which file or folder to compare against the selected file or folder version.

Any repository folder/file

Check the any repository folder/file to compare the file or folder selected to the current version of any file or folder in the repository. The Browse button will display the current repository tree and allow you to select a repository file or folder to compare against the selected file or folder version.

Only show this dialog when the shift key is down

If you select this option, the dialog will be disabled and will not appear unless the shift-key is being held down. The default selections will apply to any item selected. See History/Labels Options to change the default selections.


Click OK to bring up the default Diff Program.


Click Cancel to close the Label Diff dialog box.

Label File or Folder

A Label allows you to create a textual tag associated with a version of a file or complete folder structure. For more information, please see Working with Labels.

To open the Label dialog box select a folder or file then do one of the following:

  • Select a folder or file on the Main Window, and invoke the Label command from either the main menu or the context menu.

  • Select an individual file or group of files on the Main Window, and invoke the Label command. In the case of multiple selected files, the client will create individual file label requests to the server.

  • Highlight an object’s historical line item from the History Explorer, and invoke the Label command.


Contains the item being labeled, and the version number that will be associated with the label.


The Label field allows you to enter the label, or textual tag, that you want associated with the version of the file or folder selected.

A label name must be unique for any item being labeled. For folder labels, this includes all subfolders and files. For example, if a sub-file already has a label “Foo”, the folder cannot have the label “Foo” applied to it, because it would cause a name conflict for the sub-file.


The Comment field allows you to associate a comment with the label, which will be displayed in the Show Labels dialog and the Show History dialog for the label item.


Click OK and close the Label dialog box. The label will be applied immediately.


Click Cancel to close the Label dialog box. The label will not be made.

Label Promotion

The Label Promotion dialog allows you to make changes to a folder label by adding files or folder, deleting files or folders, or changing the version number of individual files associated with the label.


Once you promote a label, you can no longer apply commands to that label that require a unique version number, such as Share, Branch, or Pin.

See the menu items section for information on the menu items available from this dialog.

The Label Promotion dialog can be opened from the Show Labels dialog.


Displays the name of the folder this label was applied to.

Label Name

Displays the name of the label. You can modify the label name from this textbox, and doing so will list the change in the Changes pane at the bottom. You can undo this change this by pressing the Revert button.

Folder Tree

The folder tree contains the folder structure at the time the label was applied (or the current label structure if the label has since been promoted). It is rooted at the folder for which the label was applied.

A context menu exists for folder entries that allow you to add or delete folders to the label.

File List

The file list contains the files and their versions numbers for the currently selected folder that are associated with the label.

A context menu exists for folder entries that allow you to delete files from the label or change the version number associated with the label.

Changes Pane

The Changes pane lists all unsaved changes you have made to the label. These changes get applied to the label only after you save them.

A context menu exists for the Changes pane that allows you to undo any changes before saving them.


The Move dialog box allows you to move files or folders from one folder to another.

The Move dialog box can be opened by first selecting a file or folder to be moved, then:

Select a folder into which file should be moved

Select a folder from the tree.


Click OK to move the items and close the Move dialog box.

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the folder will be moved in the Fortress repository immediately. If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the folder will be moved in the repository as part of the next check in transaction.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.


Click Cancel to close the Move dialog box. The items will not be moved.


The Rename dialog box allows you to rename a file or folder. For more information, please see either Renaming Files or Renaming Folders.

The Rename dialog box can be opened:

Old Name

The Old Name is the current name of the file or folder.

New Name

Type a new name into the New Name box.


Click OK to rename the item and close the Rename dialog box.

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the folder will be renamed in the Fortress repository immediately. If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the folder will be renamed in the repository as part of the next check in transaction.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.


Click Cancel to close the Rename dialog box. The items will not be renamed.

Save History Results

The Save History Results command opens the customary Save As window to allow you to export the results of the query for other uses. This command will retrieve and export all of the results, not just the ones currently being viewed. Choose either HTML, tab-delimited text or comma-separated.

For more information, please see History Explorer.

Set Working Folder

the Set Working Folder menu dialog box allows you to select a local folder in which to edit files from a corresponding repository folder. Working folders are automatically inherited in subfolders if no explicit working folder association exists for the subfolder.

To open the Set Working Folder menu dialog box, select a file or folder, then do one of the following:

  • Select Set Working Folder on the Toolbar

  • From the File menu, select Set Working Folder

  • Right-click the selected file to bring up the File List Context Menu, then select Set Working Folder

  • Right-click the selected folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, then select Set Working Folder

Select a working folder for the repository folder

Select a folder accessible to the local machine to place the checked out files.

Add new folder

Click Add new folder to create a new local folder to use as the working folder.


Click OK to set the working folder and close the dialog box.


Click Cancel to close the dialog box without setting a working folder.

Unset Working Folder

To Unset a working folder, select the folder and click on Set Working Folder. In the Add new folder box, delete the folder name. Click OK to unset the working folder.


The Share command allows you to make files or folders appear in two or more distinct places in the repository. For more information, please see Share Items.

To open the Share dialog box, select a file or folder, then do one of the following:

Please specify a folder

Select a folder from the connected repository tree to place the shared file.


Type a share comment in the Comment box. This is optional.


Click OK to share the file or folder and close the dialog box


Click Cancel to close the dialog box without sharing a file or folder.

Share Branch

A Share Branch allows you to break a link for a shared file creating a separate file at the location it was shared. For more information, please see Share Items.

To open the Share Branch dialog box select a file or folder then either:

  • From the Source menu, select Branch

  • Select Branch on the toolbar


Lists all the files or the folder that will be branched from the share.


Type a comment for the branch operation in the Comment box. This is optional.


Click OK to branch the select file or folder and return to the main window.


Click Cancel to exit the Share Branch dialog box without making any changes.

The Shelve Changes Dialog

This dialog is used to create a shelveset from a set of pending changes. In this dialog, you will see the list of currently pended changes. If you brought this dialog up using the context menu in the Pending Changes control, you will only see the list of changes that you had selected there. You may enter the following information about your new shelveset.

Shelveset name

This name must be unique among all of your shelvesets. If you reuse a shelveset name, you will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the existing shelveset and create a new one with the contents you select here.


In the change list section, any changes that are checked will be included in the shelveset. The following actions are available in the context menu for the changes list.


View the differences between your changed file and the baseline version.

Check All/Uncheck All

These buttons will allow you to check all of the changes in the list or uncheck them.


You may enter a comment that will be retained inside this shelveset.

Referenced Bugs

You may select a list of work items to update. The work items will link back to this shelveset. This way, any other users who wish to review your changes can use the work item as the hub to find all of the relevant shelvesets.

Undo changes in my working folder

This checkbox will inform Fortress to undo the changes after the shelveset has been uploaded. The default is unchecked. You may change the default setting for this checkbox in the Options dialog.

The Shelveset Details Dialog

This dialog will display the contents of a shelveset and allow you to unshelve it. For more help on unshelving a shelveset, see “How do I unshelve my changes?”. Please note that a shelveset may contain changes to paths that you have been denied permission to see by the Folder Security settings in the admin web client. This dialog will only show changes that you have permission to view. A warning dialog will be shown to alert you when items you did not have permission to view have been omitted from the details you are about to view. Unshelving the shelveset will only unshelve changes that you have permission to view.

Shelveset Name/Creator/Date/Comment

The attributes of the shelvesets when it was created.

Web Client link

This is a direct link to shelveset in question. This link can be shared among users to facilitate code reviews.

Shelveset contents

This lists all of the shelved changes in the shelveset. When the unshelve button is clicked, only items which are checked in this control will be unshelved. The details available are Name, Details, Type, Repository Path, and Comment. The repository path is the repository path at the time of shelve. The following operations are available from the context menu:


If a pending change has file content changes associated with it, you may choose this menu item to bring up the Diff dialog.


This item will allow you to view edited or new files (add file operations). Choosing this dialog will bring up the View dialog.

Referenced Bugs

You may select a list of work items to update. The work items will link back to this shelveset. This way, any other users who wish to review your changes can use the work item as the hub to find all of the relevant shelvesets.

Automatically delete shelveset after I unshelve it

This checkbox will cause the client to delete the shelveset after it has been successfully unshelved. If any of the files could not be unshelved or if there were any namespace conflicts during the unshelve process, the shelveset will not be deleted. For more details on some more situations which will override this setting, see “How do I unshelve my changes?”. This checkbox is only enabled if you are the owner of the shelveset. This checkbox will be disabled unless all changes in the Shelveset contents are checked for unshelving. This checkbox will also be disabled if changes have been omitted from the contents due to permissions.

Show History For

The Show History For dialog box allows you to specify which portion of the repository is to be included in the query. For more information, please see History Explorer.

To open the Show History For dialog box, do one of the following:

Select a file or folder

Select a file or folder from the tree.

If a file is selected for the Top of the query, then that file is the only object of interest. If a folder is selected for the Top of the query, then the query includes all changes to that folder and all of its contents, recursively.


Click OK to set the Top and close the History Top dialog box and return to the History Explorer. The new selection will appear.


Click Cancel to close the History Top dialog box. The History Top of the query will not change.

Show Labels

The Show Labels dialog displays labels in two ways:

  • View labels that have been applied to a selected file or folder. This includes labels that the selected file or folder inherited from labels applied to folders above it.

  • View labels that have been directly applied to folder or its descendants. This is for searching recursively below the selected folder for labels that have been applied to other files or folders below it.

To open the Show Labels dialog box, invoke the Show Labels command from the Main Window menu, or the main window folder or file context menus.

See the menu items section for information on the menu items available from this dialog.

Labels List

The List View box contains a list of all the labels in the current pane (see below for the panes or views available). It has the following columns.

Labels Pane

The Labels Pane displays the labels that have been applied to the selected file or folder. It contains a labels list and the following fields:

Show Inherited Labels

When checked, Show Inherited Labels will display labels that were applied to this item from folders above the currently selected file or folder in the tree. If unchecked, it shows only labels that were directly applied to the selected file or folder.

Recursive Labels Pane

The Recursive Labels Pane displays the labels that have been directly applied to the selected folder or its descendants. It contains the following fields:

Act Recursively

When checked, the Act Recursively will display label recursively, which is the default. When unchecked, it will only show labels that were directly applied to the selected file or folder.

Filter Items

Filter Items allows you to filter labels in the list to view only file label, only folder labels, or both.

Show Line History

The Show Line History wizard allows you to search through the history of a file to find all changes to a line, or group of lines.  There are two pages in the wizard, which are repeated.

  1. The Select a Region page, which lets you select the line or region that you wish to find the latest change.  When focus is in the central Text box, you may use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  2. The Results page, which will query the server for the latest version of the file in which any of the lines in the selected region changed.  This page will list the user, version number, date and comment for the transaction which changed the lines.  You may click the Diff Against Previous button to load the diff tool to display the changes which were made in the transaction.  If you click the Next button, you will be taken to the Select a Region page populated with the version before the change was made.  This allows you to continue to search for the ways in which this line changed throughout history.

Snapshot Folder

A Snapshot is similar to a Branch, but with a few differences. See Snapshots for more information.

To open the Snapshot dialog box select a folder then From the Source menu, select Snapshot

Specify a folder name

Select a folder in the tree to place the snapshot, and if desired, provide a new name for the copy of the folder.


Type a comment for the snapshot operation in the Comment box. This is optional.


Click OK to create a snapshot of the folder and return to the main window.


Click Cancel to exit the Snapshot dialog box without making any changes.

Undo Check Out

The Undo Check Out dialog box unlocks a selected file or folder that is currently checked out. It does not modify the contents of the file or folder in the repository.

The Undo Check Out dialog box can be opened:

If a folder is selected and there are files checked out in that folder (recursively), the undo command will be available to undo the checkouts in that folder.

Local copy

Select what to do with the file in the working folder from one of the three choices.

  1. Revert – Replace the file in the working folder with the latest version in the repository

  2. Leave – Do not change the contents of the file in the working folder

  3. Delete – Delete the file from the working folder


Click OK to undo the check out of the selected item and close the Undo Check Out dialog box.


Click Cancel to close the Undo Check Out dialog box.

Version Details

The Version Details dialog allows you to view the history details of a selected item’s change set transaction. It shows all the items that were included in the same change set as the selected item. For more information, please see History Explorer.

This dialog box can be opened from either the History Explorer or the Folder Versions screen by double clicking an item or invoking the Details command.

The details that can be viewed, but not edited, are:

  • File/folder

  • User

  • Version

  • Date

  • Files Modified as part of the version

In addition, the Change Set Comment is displayed, and can be edited if the user who made the change is the one viewing the details (or the user is the Admin user).

Version List

The Version List displays all changes to the database that match the current query. It displays changes to the repository at the location they happened – it does not list folder versions that cascade up as a result of a change.

Only one entry exists per change, except for shared items. For example, adding a file to the repository lists the file as the change item and does not list all the incremented folder versions up to the root node that happens as a result of the change. If a query includes multiple links in a shared file or folder, all links in the share will report the same action separately.

Recursive operations list history for every item affected. For example, recursively adding an entire folder of files as part of one check in will display every file that was added as a separate entry in this list (unless filtered out by one of the filter criteria).

Double-clicking an item in the list brings up the details of the change.

See the menu items section for information on the menu items available from this dialog.

This list contains the following columns:

  • Name – The item the operation occurs on.

  • User – The user who made the change.

  • Date – The date and time the change was added to the repository.

  • Version – The version number of the file or folder that resulted from the change, if applicable.

  • Action – The action used that created the change to the repository.

  • Comment – The user comment.

The following table lists how actions affect what is displayed in the list.


Parent Folder Action

Item History Action

Add Folder

Add File

Create Folder

Added [item name]


File Check In

(no entry)

Checked In

Delete File

Delete Folder

Deleted [item name]

(no entry)

Undelete File

Undelete Folder

Undeleted [item name]

(no entry)

Obliterate File

Obliterate Folder

“Obliterated [item name]”

(no entry)

Pin File

Pin Folder

Pinned [item name] at version [number]

(no entry)


(To Parent Folder): “Moved [item] from [from folder]”

(From Parent Folder): “Moved [item] to [to folder]”.

(no entry)

Renamed File

Renamed Folder

Renamed [old item name] to [new item name

Renamed from [old item name] to [new item name]

Share File

Share Folder

(Destination folder only):

Shared [repos path of shared item] as [new link item]

 New item lists all history from other share links.

Share Branch File

Share Branch Folder

Branched [item name] from share

Branched from share

Copy Branch File

Copy Branch Folder

Branched [item name] from [trunk item path]

Branched from [trunk item path]

Property Change

(no entry)

[Property name] changed to [new property value]

File Label

(no entry)

(no entry)

Folder Label

(Destination Parent)) Labeled [from item path] as [to item name)

(Source Parent): (no entry)

(Destination Folder) Labeled from [from item path]

(Source Folder) (no entry)

(Every new file/folder created within the destination folder) Labeled from [item path]

For more information, please see History Explorer.

View File

The View File dialog box allows you to view the repository copy of a file without checking it out. For more information, please see Viewing Files.

The View File dialog box can be opened:

Select External Viewer application

The default choice for viewer is determined in the External Programs Options

Use system default for this file type

Check the Use system default for this file type if you would like to use the system default program for files of the same type as the selected file.


Check Use if you would like to use a specific viewer to view the file. Type the viewer name in the box or click Browse to select an available viewer. Once a different application is selected, it will become the default. The default is Notepad.

Only show this dialog when the Shift key is down.

If you select Only show this dialog when the Shift key is down, the dialog will be disabled and will not appear unless the shift-key is being held down. The default selections will apply to any item selected. See Local Files Options to change the default selections.


Click OK to view the selected file and close the View dialog box.


Click Cancel to close the View dialog box.