Check In Options

Always Keep Files Checked Out

This option allows you to establish a default for the Keep Checked Out checkbox in the Check In/Commit dialog box.

The default is Unchecked.

Remove Local Copy after Check In

This option allows you to establish a default for the Remove Local Copy checkbox in the Check In/Commit dialog box.

The default is Unchecked.

Auto-Commit after each Operation

This option allows you to specify that all global operations except Check Out and Check In happen immediately. These include add, delete, label, pin, branch, move, rename, pin/unpin and property changes. With Auto-Commit off, these operations are put into change sets, and you must explicitly commit or check in the changes. See Pending Change Sets for more information.

The default is Checked.

Require Check out before Check in

This option allows you to specify that only files explicitly checked out can be checked in.

When this option is off, the file status of Renegade does not exist because it is assumed that any file that has been modified is going to eventually be checked in and is therefore not renegade. (See Status in the File List section for more information on Renegade files.)

In addition, when this option is off, all files that have been modified are included in the checkin dialog list of files to be checked in. When on, only files that are checked out appear in that list.

The default is Checked.

Check in Unchanged Files

This option allows you to establish the default for checking in files that have not changed. This option only applies to files that are explicitly checked out.

Select one of the following two options.

  1. Check In – Checks the file in normally which creates a new version. However, the diff will show no changes between versions.

  2. Undo Check Out – Uses the Undo Check Out command so the file’s version does not increment. This is the default.

The default is Undo Check Out.