Rename and Move Folders

Renaming Folders

The Rename command allows the names of files and folders to be changed. To activate the dialog box:

      Click Rename from the File menu.

      Right-click on the selected item to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, click Rename.

      On the keyboard, use the F2 key.

Checked Out Folders

A folder can be renamed at any time except if it is pinned or if any files are checked out in that folder or subfolder.

Working Folders

If the working folder is inherited, the rename will alter the current working folder and the rename will act as if you changed the working folder. This means that all the files in the selected folder will have their status changed to Unknown or Missing. If you specify a working folder for the folder that is renamed, the working folder and the status of all the files in the folder will not change. See Rename and Working Folders for an example.

Commit Rename

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the files and folders will be renamed in the Vault repository immediately. If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the files and folders will be renamed in the repository as part of the next check in transaction.

Please see Auto-Commit more information.

Moving Folders

The Move command allows you to move folders from one folder to another. To activate the dialog box, click Move from the File menu.

Moving a folder will lose any associations with working folders that currently exist. If there are explicit rights assigned to the selected folder, they will move with the folder. However, inherited rights from parent folders will not.

Commit Move

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the files and folders will be moved in the Vault repository immediately. If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the files and folders will be moved in the repository as part of the next check in transaction.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.

Renaming Folders

Moving Folders