
Dragnet is Vault’s bug tracking solution and is fully integrated with the Vault client.

Both Dragnet and Vault need to be configured to allow communication with one another. See the Vault Admin Tool for documentation on how to configure the Vault server to communicate with Dragnet, and Dragnet documentation for how to configure it to communicate with Vault.

Updating an Item from Vault

Updating a Dragnet item from within Vaults is accomplished from within the Vault Check In/Commit dialog. From that dialog, you can select or enter a Dragnet item number, mark the item completed, and choose whether to add the Vault checkin comment as a Dragnet comment for the chosen tems.

Viewing an Item in Dragnet

In Dragnet, go to the detail page of a item that was changed from Vault. In the comments section, information about the checkin will be displayed, including a list of files that were included as part of the checkin.

From the comment, you can select the file link of any of the changed files. This will bring up a history of the file’s changes in Vault.

If you select the version number, it will bring up a page that shows the differences between the checked in version and the previous version in the repository (showing how the file changed for this checkin).

Updating an Item from Vault

Viewing an Item in Dragnet