Create, Add and Delete Folders

Creating Folders

The Create Folder command is used to create a new empty folder within the open repository. If a repository has enabled security rights, the user must have permissions set by the administrator in the Admin Tool to create folders. The dialog box can be activated in several ways.

      Click Create Folder from the File menu.

      Select Create Folder on the Toolbar.

      Right-click on a folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Create Folder.

      Select the INSERT key.

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the folders will be created in the Vault repository immediately. If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the folders will be created in the repository as part of the next check in transaction.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.

Adding Folders

Adding folders uses the same process as adding files. See the Adding Files section for more information.

Deleting Folders

The Delete command deletes the selected folder and all of its contents, recursively, from the repository. If a repository has enabled security rights, the user must have permissions set by the administrator in the Admin Tool to delete folders. To activate the Delete dialog box, click Delete Folders from the File menu.

Please Note: The Delete command is non-destructive. The items still exists in the history of the repository and can be recovered by clicking the Undelete command found in the Folder Properties dialog box.

The Vault client does not allow operations which destroy history. To destroy history, use the Obliterate command available in the Vault Admin Tool.

Delete a Pinned Folder

A folder with a primary pin can be deleted.

A folder with a secondary pin cannot be deleted (except as part of a deletion on the pinned ancestor). For example, if $/foo/bar is pinned, then the delete operation will succeed at $/foo and $/foo/bar but will fail on any subfolder or file within $/foo/bar. An error message will be displayed if a delete on a secondary pin is attempted. Please see Pin Folders for more information.

Commit Delete

If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the folders will be deleted in the Vault repository immediately. If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the folders will be deleted in the repository as part of the next check in transaction.

Please see Auto-Commit for more information.

Creating Folders

Adding Folders

Deleting Folders