The installation of the Client is straightforward. Simply run the installation executable. Please refer to the upgrade information if running the installation over a previous installation of SourceOffSite.
IDE Integration
IDE integration may be enabled during the Client installation process. To enable SourceOffSite integration into development environments, click the Yes button in response to the question:
"Would you like SourceOffSite to be your default Source Code Control provider?"
If SourceOffSite is not to be the default Source Code Control provider, click No.
The IDE Client is supported in the following environments: Visual C++ 6.0, Visual Basic 6.0, and Visual Studio.NET, including Visual Basic.NET, Visual C++.NET, and C#.
SourceOffSite provides a way for you to toggle between Source Code Control providers when using IDE integration. This feature can be accessed from Tools > Options > General. By enabling or disabling this option, you can change your system registry to choose either SourceOffSite or SourceSafe as your SCC provider. While SourceGear recommends against changing back and forth between SourceOffSite and SourceSafe on the same machine, this option is helpful for individuals who occasionally need to switch between SCC providers and are familiar with the ramifications.