
Multiple databases can be served by a single SourceOffSite Server.

The Databases tab contains the names and aliases of the SourceSafe databases served by SourceOffSite Server.

Please note: Anytime a database is added, edited or deleted, the SourceOffSite Server must be restarted to register the change.


Add Database

Edit Database

Delete Database

Add Database

To add a database, press the Add button and then use the Browse button in the Add Database dialog to select the srcsafe.ini file corresponding to the SourceSafe database. The file name should be the full path of the srcsafe.ini file corresponding to the chosen database. To hide the physical location of the database, a database alias may be created for each database. If a database alias is created, only the alias name will be visible to SourceOffSite Clients. Click the OK button in the Add Database dialog to save the database path and alias.

NT/2000/XP Users

When specifying a database that is on a different drive or a different machine from the SourceOffSite Server, the path to the database should be formatted with a UNC pathname and the SourceOffSite Server service should be run as an NT domain account. To configure the database path using a UNC pathname, browse for the srcsafe.ini file through Network Neighborhood as opposed to a mapped drive.

Edit Database

To edit a database path or alias, select the database and then press the Edit button. Make any changes to the database path or alias then press the OK button.

Delete Database

To cause SourceOffSite to no longer serve an existing database, select the database and then press the Delete button.