Add Files

    Files may be added to any existing project. Files may be added one at a time, several at a time or recursively from the project level.

To add files to a project in SourceOffSite, first highlight the project in the Project List where you want the new files to reside. Then, click Add or choose Add from either the File menu or by right-clicking the selected project. The Add Files dialog box will be displayed.


Adding Individual Files

Adding All Files and Subprojects in a Folder

Adding Individual Files

One or more files can be added from within the Add Files dialog box.

To add files, open the folder where the files are located from the Folders list and highlight the desired files.

To filter files based on a particular file type, first set up the filter in the File Types tab of the Options dialog by selecting the filter from the List of file types. Only the files of the selected file type will appear in the Files field.

After the files have been selected, click Add and then OK. Enter any comments in the Add Files Comment dialog box and then click OK. Any comments added in the Add Files Comment dialog box will be globally applied to all of the files being added at that time.

Adding All Files and Subprojects in a Folder

To add all files in a folder, select a folder from within the Folders list and then click OK.

The Add Folders Comment dialog box that is presented also contains the Recursive option. If the Recursive option is selected, then all subprojects in the selected folder will also be added to the project.

Add any comments in the Comment field and then click OK. Any comments added in the Add Folders Comment dialog box will be globally applied to all of the files being added.