Source Control Reports

The Reports menu provides reports on Vault Professional Source Control activities. The Source Control Reports menu is on the menu bar of the SourceCode Control tab of the Vault Professional web client.

To initiate a report, mouse over Reports and select a report from the dropdown list.

To search for text in a report results, type in the Find box. If the report has multiple pages, click the paging arrows to page through the report. To resize the report, use the Zoom control. Click the Export icon to export the report to Excel, PDF, or Word. Click the Print button to print the report.

Last Activity

This report lists the dates of the most recent activity (such as a commit, label, or shelve operation), most recent transaction (commit), most recent label, and most recent shelveset by each Vault Professional user login.

Label Contents

This report lists the contents of a label. Select All or a specific repository, enter the label name and the repository path. Click Run Report. The report results contain the repository path, file or folder version in the label, and a column indicating whether an item is a file or folder.

Checked Out Items

This report lists checked out files in the selected repository. The report results contain the repository path, file name, username, and date the item was checked out.

Repository Access

This report lists repository access level for the selected repository and selected users. The report contains username, repository name and the user's access level.

Repositories without Folder Security

This report lists repositories which do not have Folder Security enabled. The report results contain the username and the repository name.

Folder Security

This report lists security settings in a repository. The report result contains the username, repository name, repository path, security settings and whether the user rights are default or assigned.


Work Item Reports: Time Tracking and Progress Tracking reports are available for Work Item Projects. These Work Item reports can be accessed by selecting a Work Item project in Projects at a Glance in the Item Tracking tab of the web client. Click on Reports in the individual item tracking project menu bar. Documentation is available in the Help menu in the Item Tracking tab of the web client.