Find in Files

Find in Files provides the ability to search for a word or string in files in a Vault Standard repository. The Find in Files command is located on the Vault Standard GUI Client Menu Bar under Tools->Find in Files. Results are displayed in the Find in Files tab at the bottom of the Vault Standard Client.

You can search for a word or string of text within non-binary files in a Vault Standard repository with the Find in Files command. Find in Files searches within the current versions of text-based (non-binary) files in the repository. You can use the Find in Files command on a single file or on a folder. A Find in Files search on Folder can be recursive. Find in Files will provide results only for repository folders where the user has at least R rights. The Find in Files search is similar to the Find function in Visual Studio.


Find in Files indexing must first be enabled or On for the repository. This setting is in the Vault Standard Admin Web Client under Source Control Repositories->[Repository Name]->Find in Files.

Find in Files Dialog

Search for text:

Type the word or string you wish to search for.

Look in:

Enter the repository path or browse for the path to search in. Check Recursive for a recursive search.

Look at these file types:

If you wish to filter by file type or file name, enter the file extension or file name.

Exclude Files

Select file names or types you wish to exclude from your search.

Search Options
  1. Match Case -- for example, a search for Co*, will match "Command" and "Code" but not "command" or "code."

  2. Match Whole Word -- for example, a search for "pass" will match only lines with the word "pass," and not "password" or "encompass."

  3. Use Wild Card Pattern Match -- Examples:

    * - Matches zero or more characters.

    For example, pass* matches any text that includes "pass", such as "passage," "password" or "compass."

    ? - Matches any single character

    For example, if you check Match Whole Word, ?at matches "bat," "cat" or "sat." If you do not check Match Whole Word, the search assumes *?at*, and would match "format," "water," "ate," etc.

Find in Files Tab

The Find in Files tab displays the results of the Find in Files command.

Results List

The Results List contains details about the items that meet the search criteria:

  1. File name

  2. Repository path

  3. File version

  4. Number of lines in the file that contain the word or string

  5. Line number of each line in the file which contains the word or string

  6. Results summary with the number of matching lines and matching files.

The Results List can be expanded or collapsed. Double-clicking on the file information in the Find in Files tab will take you to that file in the file list pane.

Tool bar

View File

Highlight an entry in the Find in File results, then select the View File to view the repository version of the file.

Copy Selected Items

Copy the highlighted selection.

Select All

Select all results in the Find in Files tab.

Invert Selection

The Invert Selection command allows you to invert the already selected results. For each result in the list, if it is selected, it will be unselected and, if it is unselected, it will be selected.

Clear All Results

This command clears all results in the Find in Files tab.

Expand All Nodes

Expands all nodes of the results in the Find in Files tab.

Collapse All Nodes

Collapses all nodes of the results in the Find in Files tab.

Find in Files context menu

A subset of the Find in Files toolbar commands can also be found in the context menu:

  1. View

  2. Copy

  3. Select All

  4. Expand Nodes

  5. Collapse Nodes