The following menus and menu items appear in the History Explorer dialog.
The Top command allows you to specify which portion of the repository is to be included in the query by opening the Show History For dialog box. If the Top of the query is specified to be a file, then that file is the only object of interest. More commonly, the Top of the query is specified to be a folder, in which case the query includes all changes to that folder and all of its contents, recursively.
The Filter/Sort command allows you to specify criteria which define a subset of changes which are of interest for the query and to sort those results by opening the History Query Filter dialog box.
Save All Results As
The Save All Results As command allows you to export the results of the query for other uses by opening the Save History Results dialog box. This command will retrieve and export all of the results, not just the ones currently being viewed by the paging code.
The History Close command closes the History Explorer window.
The Refresh command allows you to re-query the server with the same filter/sort criteria, showing you changes in history made since the history window was first invoked.
Act Recursively
The Act Recursively command is a toggle that shows whether the current query is a recursive query, and allows you to change the value, and re-query with the value toggled from how it is currently set.
The History Diff command allows you to compare a version with a previous version or the working folder. If two versions have been selected, the command retrieves both versions and compares them against each other using the default Diff Program. If only one version is selected, the History Diff dialog will be displayed to allow you to choose which version you want to diff against.
If a file is selected, the History View command allows you to retrieve the selected version and display its contents by launching the appropriate editor.
View is not supported for an entire folder.
The History Get command gets the version that corresponds to the current selection. For example, if the current selection is a file check in, it retrieves the version associated with that check in. If the current selection is a folder, it retrieves the files (and their versions) that existed at the time of that folder version. Files are retrieved to their working folders by default.
The Details command allows you to see the details for the entire check in, including the other files included in that file version’s check in, of the selected file by displaying the Version Details dialog box.
The Pin command allows you to pin the selected item.
The Unpin command allows you to unpin the selected item.
History Share works similarly to the regular Share command except that it works on a historical version of a file or folder instead of sharing the most recent version.
In the case of a file, it will share the file to a new location, and then pin it to the version you have selected in the list. For folders, it will share the folder to a new location and pin the folder to the version that was selected.
A History Share will always pin the file or folder being shared even if it is the most recent version. If the file or folder being shared is already shared, it will merely add the new file or folder as another link in the shared file.
The Branch command allows you to branch on the selected file or folder at the version that is selected. You cannot branch a deleted file or folder.
Please Note: A branch on a previous version of an item is always a Copy Branch. A branch on the current version follows the normal rules of branch. See Branch Items for more information.
The Label command allows you to label the selected file or folder at the version that is selected. You cannot label a deleted file or folder.
The History Rollback command is a non-destructive way to make a previous version the current version. It checks out the file at the version selected and checks in that file as the latest version. A rollback does not break a share.
Rollback is not available when the file is pinned.
Check Out
The History Check Out command is used to check out a file while simultaneously retrieving the selected version. This only allows a single checkout at a time.
The Contents command will bring up the Help files opened to the History Explorer.
About Vault
The About SourceGear Vault will show you the version number and the current locale.