This pane allows you to select which columns you want displayed in the file list of the repository explorer. Checking a column will cause the column to be displayed, and unchecking a column will cause it to not be displayed.
The available columns are:
Checkouts (the list of users who currently have the file checked out)
Status (The state of the file, such as Old, Edited, Needs Merge, etc)
Local Version (the version number of the file on the local machine)
Remote Version (the current version number of the file in the repository)
Local Date (the datetime of the file on the local machine)
Remote Date (the datetime of the checkin of the latest version in the repository)
Modified Date (the datetime of the last time the file was edited on a clients machine before it was checked in, and therefore dependent on client machine clock accuracy)
File Type (as determined by the file suffix)
Local Size (the size of the file on the local machine)
Remote Size (the size of the latest version of the file in the repository)
Checkout Location (the folder on the client machine where the file is checked out)
The default set of columns to display is: Checkouts, Status, Local Version, Remote Version.