The Detect New Files to Add from Working Folder dialog box allows you to see which files exist in your local working folder that do not exist in Vault, therefore allowing you to easily add newly created local files to the repository.
The Detect New Files dialog box can be opened:
From the File menu, select Detect New Files to Add
Right-click on selected folder to bring up the Folder Tree Context Menu, select Detect New Files to Add
Tree View of Local File System
The top pane contains a tree control and a file list of the local file system, rooted at the working folder where the command was invoked. The tree is actually the repository tree, and if a node is selected, the working folder at that node is used to display the list of files that exist in the working folder, but not in the repository at that level.
Checking a folder will automatically check all the folders and files under that folder that meet the exclusion rules. All files that meet the exclusion rules are added as individual entries in the Files to be Added list, and they are added at the level in the repository that corresponds to the working folder the files belongs too.
If not all files/folders underneath a folder are checked, the folders checkbox will be partially checked. Checking a partially checked folder will fully check all files and folders under that folder. Checking a fully checked folder will uncheck all files and folders, and remove the entry from the Files to be Added list.
Files to be Added
The Files to be Added is the list of pending files that are to be added from the local directory. Following are the columns in this list.
Items The local path of the file or folder to be added.
Properties For files, the size of the file being added. For folders, the total size, and the number of folders and files included in the folder being added.
Repository Path The path in the repository the items will be added.
Click Exclude to display a dialog that allows you to view/edit the list of files and folders to exclude when checking a folder. This list is defined in the Admin Tool and making changes to it here does not update the default list.
Changing this list does not go back and re-apply the exclusion rules to already checked folders, since it is possible you could have already made changes to the file list that cause it to not follow the exclusion rules. If you want to re-apply the exclusion rules, you need to uncheck the folder, then check it again.
Click Remove to remove the selected files or folders from the pending list. This will update the state of the tree and file list to reflect that the items are not to be added.
Type a comment in the Comment dialog box. The comment applies to all files being added. If the Auto-Commit is on, they become the change set comment.
Click OK to add the files and folder to the Pending Change Set window.
If Auto-Commit has not been selected, the files and folders will be added to the repository as part of the next check in transaction. The comment is applied individually to each file.
If Auto-Commit has been selected (default), the files and folders will be added to the Vault repository immediately. The comment will become the change set comment.
Please see Auto-Commit for more information.
Click Cancel to exit the Add Files dialog box without making any changes.