Find in Files provides the ability to search for a word or string in text-based (non-binary) files in a Vault Standard repository.
Vault Standard users can access the Find in Files command from the Tools menu of the Vault Standard GUI Client. The search results are displayed in the Find in Files tab at the bottom of the Vault Standard Client.
Find in Files is also available in the Vault Standard Command Line Client
By default, Find in files indexing is Off. Find in Files must be enabled for each repository you wish to index.
A Vault Index Service is installed with the Vault Standard server.
File data is indexed and stored in the sgvaultindex database.
Text-based (non-binary)files are stored on the Vault Standard server machine in searchable cache. The default location for the cache is C:\Windows\temp\sgvaultindex\cache. This cache can also be configured to be stored on a different machine by modifying the VaultIndexService web.config file. The cache is updated with each checkin that modifies file contents.
Vaultindexservice.txt is the log file for the Vault Index Service. If you encounter problems with the Index Service, consult this log file. The default location for this file is C:\Windows\Temp\SGVaultIndex
Select the On radio button to enable the Index Service. Click the Save button to save your setting. Indexing may take a few moments to complete, and increased CPU activity may be seen while indexing takes place.
The Suspend radio button stops further indexing. Suspend maintains the data in the current cache but does not update the cache. New additions or modifications to files in the repository will not be indexed for Find in Files while indexing is suspended.
The Off radio button turns indexing Off. Click the checkbox if you wish to purge Find in Files index data. Purging index data removes the cached data on the server machine. After the request to change the settings have been sent to the Index Server it may take a moment before the change takes effect.
NOTE: If you purge the Find in Files index data and subsequently re-enable Find in Files, re-indexing the repository may take longer to complete than if you suspend Find in Files indexing.
When a repository index is first built, statistics used by SQL Server may not be
available due to the large size of insertions made to the sgvaultindex database. In
order to optimize the database for use, you will need to manually update the
statistics within the 'sgvaultindex' database for that given repository. Note, as of
Vault 6, this is a manual process as you can schedule maintenance routines to fit
into your own schedule in order leave you in control of your SQL Server resources.
See this KB article for details.