The Browse Fortress Items dialog allows you to view/edit Fortress items and queries. This item is only enabled for the Fortress client.
The Browse Fortress Items dialog can be accessed from the View->Browse Fortress Items menu item or from the checkin dialog. When accessed from the checkin dialog, the Browse Fortress Items dialog can be used to select Fortress items to be updated with the checkin.
The left side of the dialog displays a tree containing all the projects a user has access to. Under each project there are three nodes:
Queries – This node’s children will consist of the My Open and Open queries, which are not editable, and any saved queries the user has created.
Recent – This node’s children are the recent queries: Recent Additions, Recent Updates and Recent Comments.
Summaries – This node has only one child query, the At-A-Glance query.
Any query in the tree can be run by either double-clicking or choosing Open from the right-click context menu. The results will be displayed in a tab on the right side of the dialog. Saved queries may be opened for editing using the Edit command on the right-click context menu. The context menu also contains a Delete command (for deleting saved queries) and a Refresh command to refresh the results if the selected query’s results are currently displayed in a tab.
The toolbar has the following icons:
Save – Saves any changes to the visible tab.
Save All – Saves changes to all open tabs.
Refresh – Refreshes the query results, if the visible tab is displaying query results.
Query – Opens a blank query editor in a tab.
Add Item – Opens a new Fortress Item in a tab.
Item Id or Keyword – Enter an Item Id or a keyword search in the text box to perform a search. If the Item Id is found, the item will be opened in a tab. If a keyword search was entered, the results of that query will be opened in a tab.
Useful Hot Keys:
If there is a query editor open in the selected tab, use F5 to run the query and open the results in a new tab.
Both Ctrl+F4 and Ctrl+w will close the top tab.